Congratulation to Rafa!

Rafael Medina, a former postdoc in our lab, lead-authored the paper: Medina, R., M.G. Johnson, Y. Liu, N.J. Wickett, A.J. Shaw & B. Goffinet. 2019. “Phylogenomic delineation of Physcomitrium (Bryophyta: Funariaceae) based on targeted sequencing of nuclear exons and their flanking regions rejects the retention of Physcomitrella, Physcomitridium and Aphanorrhegma” and published in the Journal of Systematics and Evolution 57: 404–417 in 2019.

In 2019, this publication earned the Special issue paper award from the Journal of Systematics and Evolution.

In 2021, the journal awarded him, for this publication, the “JSE Outstanding Paper by Young Investigators Award”, which will be announced in the latest issue of 2021.

Rafa is now a faculty member at the University of Madrid.


Congratulations Rafa.